Home East Africa News in brief

News in brief


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·        Jambojet, a subsidiary of  Kenya Airways is the latest in the
bloc to  extend  the suspension of its operations in the domestic and
international routes. The  move  is likely to hit its revenues hard.
The airline  has  asked passengers to reschedule their flights to a
later date at no cost.  Earlier the  airline has extended  suspension
of its operations  to Kigali and Entebbe.

·        The diplomatic row between Kenya and Tanzania over the
Coronavirus pandemic restrictions is disrupting  billions of shillings
worth of trade deals between the two countries.   The retaliatory
border closures are now affecting businesses and common man of both
countries. Tanzania   has reacted to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s order
to ban movement across Kenya’s borders. As a retaliatory measure,
Tanzania blocked  Kenyan trucks at the Lunga Lunga/Horohoro and
Taveta/Holili border points. President Kenyatta exempted cargo trucks
on the  condition that drivers would have to be tested for Covid-19.
This  prompted  a Tanzanian regional commissioner to order a blockade
of Kenyan trucks, citing hostile treatment. This has led to slow down
trade between the two countries, which amounts to Sh61.5 billion

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