Home Southern Africa New Wave of Kidnapping in Mozambique: Business Body Expresses Concerns

New Wave of Kidnapping in Mozambique: Business Body Expresses Concerns

New Wave of Kidnapping in Mozambique: Business Body Expresses Concerns

(3 Minutes Read)

A gang of six people kidnaped the businessman of Asian origin as he was opening his commercial establishment located between Karl Marx and Ho Chi Min avenues in the center of the Mozambican capital. During the kidnapping,

The Mozambique Chamber of Commerce (CCM) warned that the wave of kidnappings in the country could “scare away” businesspeople and reduce investment.  The Chamber has urged authorities to do more to combat this species of crime.

A gang of six people kidnaped the businessman of Asian origin as he was opening his commercial establishment located between Karl Marx and Ho Chi Min avenues in the center of the Mozambican capital. During the kidnapping, one of his employees was shot in the leg. The chamber warned that such unfortunate incidents will scare away investors.

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique recorded a total of 185 cases of kidnapping since 2011, with at least 288 people detained on suspicion of involvement in this type of crime.. The wave of kidnappings in Mozambique has affected businesspeople, especially those of Asian descent, and their families, which the authorities believe requires reflection.

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The majority of kidnappings committed in Mozambique are masterminded from outside the country, which makes combating this type of crime particularly difficult, Attorney General Beatriz Buchili told parliament in April.