Home Southern Africa Namibia earmarks N$5m to green hydrogen feasibility study

Namibia earmarks N$5m to green hydrogen feasibility study


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Namibia’s ‘Environmental Investment Fund’ (EIF), through its ‘Green Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support’ will spend N$5 million on a green hydrogen feasibility study. The project will contract Fichtner GmbH & Co.KG to assess the viability of green hydrogen production and its derivatives in the Erongo, Khomas and Otjozondjupa regions

Namibia’s ‘Environmental Investment Fund’ (EIF), through its ‘Green Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support’ will spend N$5 million on a green hydrogen feasibility study.The project will contract Fichtner GmbH & Co.KG to assess the viability of green hydrogen production and its derivatives in the Erongo, Khomas and Otjozondjupa regions. The study will comprise a desktop/high-level Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study. The ESIA will identify zones within the available land for the solar PV and onshore wind potential, hydrogen and hydrogen-derivative production potential as well as the estimated production costs for the identified zones.

A strategy plan will be developed based on the available land, the potential of solar PV and onshore wind, hydrogen potential and public versus private infrastructure options and economics, enablers, regional integration options, and green industrialisation options, stated Christina Mansfeld, a spokesperson from Fichtner,

Moreover, the regions are set to become a hub for the production of Synfuels and related green hydrogen equipment manufacturing facilities as they are well positioned from an infrastructure perspective with road, rail and port facilities linking the three regions. The Green Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in Namibia project is one of the 6 readiness programmes that are implemented by Namibia and different stakeholders and implementing partners. The project executing entity is the Office of the President with the support of the EIF. The National Planning Commission as well as the Ministry of Mines and Energy are the other key stakeholders identified in the implementation of the project.

The funds were mobilised from the Green Climate Fund (GCF)-readiness programme through the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

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Through its green hydrogen initiatives, the Namibian government expects to generate close to N$4 billion in revenues per annum, with contributions towards the Sovereign Wealth Fund and royalties expected to amount to N$627 million per annum once full production capacity is reached.