Home Southern Africa N$ 705 mn Investment for SDGs in Namibia by Nedbank

N$ 705 mn Investment for SDGs in Namibia by Nedbank

N$ 705 mn Investment for SDGs in Namibia by Nedbank

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Nedbank committed N$705 million to support initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) towards the 2026 financial year. The investment reflects Nedbank Namibia’s proactive stance towards addressing critical global challenges, including the transition to renewable energy and the promotion of energy efficiency.

Nedbank Namibia last year also invested N$350,000 towards the realization of the country’s goal of achieving self-sufficiency in the production of green hydrogen. The funds were allocated to urgently develop key skills and collaborative endeavours required as Namibia sets its sight on emerging as a leader in the green hydrogen economy.

The ambitious endeavour comes as Nedbank Namibia remains committed to fostering positive change in the community. About energy and energy-efficient products the bank has done close to N$100 million, and towards 2026 it is looking at closer to N$1 billion, which is N$705 million need to focus on SDG seven, stated Nedbank MD Martha Murorua. Highlighting the substantial investment earmarked for SDG seven, which addresses affordable and clean energy.

The investment reflects Nedbank Namibia’s proactive stance towards addressing critical global challenges, including the transition to renewable energy and the promotion of energy efficiency. Discussing the strategic approach towards SDG eight, which encompasses mobile money and digital transactions, Murorua said, “…in 2026, we are looking at value and volume of N$144 million to play in the mobile money area now addressing SDG eight.”

This comes as Nedbank Namibia aims to significantly amplify its presence in the mobile money sector, contributing to the realisation of SDG eight objectives. Addressing the financing and infrastructure aspect of sustainable development encapsulated in SDG nine, Murorua elaborated on the institution’s proactive measures. Already the bank had 320,000,000 exposures in the current year and is looking at close to N$400 million to N$500 million exposure for the future next three years in the SDG nine space, Murorua said further.

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Nedbank Namibia’s pioneering efforts in sustainable architecture, highlight its status as the only six-star green building in Namibia. This comes as Nedbank Headquarters, Green Campus situated in the heart of Windhoek offers a 180-degree view from the top floor that has completely changed the Windhoek Central Business District with an incredible design. The building achieved a 6-star rating design by the Green Council of South Africa. It is the first in the country to receive such a rating.

Nedbank Namibia last year also invested N$350,000 towards the realization of the country’s goal of achieving self-sufficiency in the production of green hydrogen. The funds were allocated to urgently develop key skills and collaborative endeavours required as Namibia sets its sights on emerging as a leader in the green hydrogen economy.