Home Southern Africa Mozambique to Call Tenders for National Road in June  

Mozambique to Call Tenders for National Road in June  

Mozambique to Call Tenders for National Road in June  

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The Mozambique government will launch the public tender for the rehabilitation of sections of National Road Number One (N1) in the second week of June, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, announced during the XIX edition of the Annual Private Sector Conference (CASP).

The Mozambique government will launch the public tender for the rehabilitation of sections of National Road Number One (N1) in the second week of June, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, announced during the XIX edition of the Annual Private Sector Conference (CASP).

These comprise, firstly, the 508 kilometers of the Inchope-Gorongosa and Gorongosa-Caia sections, followed by the road connecting Chimuara-Nicoadala and Metorro-Pemba.Assurances of US$850 million in financing have been made by the World Bank. Minister Mesquita estimates two years of construction activity, followed by eight of maintenance.

Speaking in a panel on ‘Trends, Innovations and Sustainability Challenges in the Real Estate Sector and Infrastructures for Climate Resilience’, Minister Mesquita noted that around 320 kilometers of the Inchope-Caia section in Sofala province had already benefited from emergency rehabilitation work budgeted at 1.7 million meticais.

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 Despite this, that section could benefit from the expansion of its two lanes, and periodic maintenance, to be followed by the construction of a road from Inchope to Save. The minister revealed that he recently paid a working visit to Sofala province, where he met around 50 contractors to discuss the quality of materials being used in work on the road.