Home Southern Africa Mozambique Privatize Universal Postal Services

Mozambique Privatize Universal Postal Services

Mozambique Privatize Universal Postal Services

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There are certain conditions laid by the regulator to qualify for a UPS. A satisfactory postal service must be ensured at prices accessible to all users. It also stipulates the satisfaction of adequate quality standards, namely about delivery times, the density of access points, regularity and reliability of the service” and under conditions of equality and non-discrimination.

The Mozambican communications regulator, the INCM, recently announced that it issued the Universal Postal Operator Licence to Correios Expresso de Moçambique (CORRE). It fills a legal void since the closure of the public company Correios de Moçambique (Mozambican Post Office) in 2021.

The said company provided the Universal Postal Service (UPS) nationwide, prioritizing economically unviable locations. The license was issued to CORRE to provide the Universal Postal Service (UPS).

There are certain conditions laid by the regulator to qualify for a UPS. A satisfactory postal service must be ensured at prices accessible to all users. It also stipulates the satisfaction of adequate quality standards, namely about delivery times, the density of access points, regularity and reliability of the service” and under conditions of equality and non-discrimination.

The UPS provider must also ensure the continuity of the provision of the service, except in cases of force majeure, the evolution in the provision of the service according to the technical, economic, and social environment and the needs of users”, the fulfillment of obligations arising from international commitments assumed by the State”, and the “adequate information to the public regarding the conditions and prices of the services. In May 2021, the Mozambican government approved a decree extinguishing the public company Correios de Moçambique, intending to restructure the loss-making state business sector.

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The services provided by Correios de Moçambique, the government announced at the time, would gradually be provided by the private sector. In a decree dated 24 May, the government also amended the Postal Service Licensing Regulation, now stating that the Designated Operator “is the public or private operator”, appointed “for the provision of reserved postal services and the universal postal service. Both decisions came into force immediately, according to documents consulted by Lusa.At the end of 2023, Mozambique had 925 large companies in operation, a slight increase compared to the previous year, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to which Lusa had access today.