Home Southern Africa Mozambique military regains Palma

Mozambique military regains Palma


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·        Mozambique regained full control of the coastal town of Palma 12 days after it was raided by militant Islamists who are affiliated with the Islamic State group, according to its military sources

·        The source also claimed that a number of militants were killed in the counter offensive by the military

·        Over 11,000 people were displaced after the militants invaded Palma on March 24.

Mozambique regained full control of the coastal town of Palma 12 days after it was raided by militant Islamists who are affiliated with the Islamic State group, according to its military sources. The source also claimed that a number of militants were killed in the counter offensive by the military.

There are reports that local people who fled the area fearing threat of attacks from the militants  are gradually returning. There are reports about widespread looting and damages to properties.   Over 11,000 people were displaced after the militants invaded Palma on March 24. There were casualties from the civilian side as well.  As reported by www.trendsnafrica.com the French energy giant Total suspended operations and evacuated staff from its Afungi liquid natural gas (LNG) facility near Palma.

The United Nations  has helped a number of people from Palma to relocate to  safer places. Some 10,000 civilians had fled to safer places in the country through ferries, which took 24 hours to complete the journey under trying conditions.  Recently, there was a report that the World Food Programme (WFP) evacuated survivors by boat to Pemba. But a few days ago, it suspended evacuation operations on account of fear of attack from militants.  The conflict inflicted heavy losses in terms of life and property. More than 2,600 people were killed and uprooted nearly 700,000 more from their homes

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