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Mozambican President in US: Holds talk on extremism and marine partnership


(3 minutes read) 

Mozambican President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, who is on an official visit to the US, was welcomed by the U.S. Secretary of Defence Austin. Both have discussed the nations’ bilateral defense relationship and security cooperation

Mozambican President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, who is on an official visit to the US was welcomed by the U.S. Secretary of Defence Lloyd James Austin III. Both have discussed the nations’ bilateral defence relationship and security cooperation.

Since 2017, Mozambique’s northernmost province of Cabo Delgado has been the scene of a conflict between authorities and radicalized fighters. Austin expressed a commitment to work together with Mozambique to eliminate the causes of conflict and to expand security in the region.

President Filipe Nyusi and Lloyd J. Austin III, who met at the Pentagon, also exchanged views on domain awareness and strengthening maritime security. Terrorism also figured in the bilateral discussions and resolved that both countries would strike a partnership to counter violent extremist groups in northern Mozambique and build cooperation with the Southern Africa Development Community, and the European Union in combating violent extremism.

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