Home Southern Africa More SA Citrus fruits to China

More SA Citrus fruits to China


The South African farmers are hopeful of increasing their share of citrus fruit export  to China by about 10% riding on the back of  increased scope for marketing it in that country.  China has upped the import duty on fruits including citrus imported from the US. South Africa is expected to export a record 137 million boxes of citrus fruit this year. South Africa exports citrus  to more than 100 countries and  over 92% of the total income of the local citrus industry comes from exports.

 Export is a key factor that will influence South African citrus production. Of the total production, 79 percent is exported. . The United States remains a key market for South African citrus growers. In the 2017-18, citrus exports to the United States amounted to US$47 million.  Orange juice production also has gone up riding on the back of good harvest of the fruits. South Africa is also focusing on European Union for its citrus exports.

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