Home West Africa Mali urged to join G5 Sahel Organization

Mali urged to join G5 Sahel Organization


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The president of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, called for the return of Mali to the G5 Sahel organisation. Mali left the regional military alliance fighting jihadist groups in May last year citing a loss of autonomy and instrumentalization within the organisation

The president of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, called for the return of Mali to the G5 Sahel organisation. Mali left the regional military alliance fighting jihadist groups in May last year citing loss of autonomy and instrumentalization within the organisation.

The G5 Sahel, which includes Mauritania, Chad, Burkina and Niger, was launched in 2014, with an anti-jihadist force added in 2017. It was showcased as an example to fight against the Jihadists.

The appeal was made in the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott, at the opening of the 4th session of the General Assembly of the Sahel Alliance, a platform of 27 bilateral partners and donors set up to mobilise international aid for the development of the region.

The junta that has ruled Mali since 2020 has broken with France and its allies turning to Russia for help. Mauritania, a vast, mostly desert country with a population of 4.5 million, has not seen any attacks since 2011. That year-2011- Chad was meant to hand the G5 presidency over to Mali but did not. Mali interpreted that as a move influenced by the French.

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President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani said that the junta’s decision to withdraw its last troops from France from Mali deployed under its Barkhane anti-jihadist force and the conflict in Sudan were regrettable events.