Home OP-ED Lost in Translation: How Policy Implementation Fails Zambia’s SMEs

Lost in Translation: How Policy Implementation Fails Zambia’s SMEs

Lost in Translation: How Policy Implementation Fails Zambia’s SMEs

(3 Minutes Read)

Lawrence Nacidze

In the bustling markets of Zambia, the spirit of entrepreneurship thrives. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the nation’s economy, representing a staggering 97% of all businesses. Yet, despite their undeniable importance, a chasm exists between the policies designed to support these enterprises and the reality they face on the ground.

The Zambian government, recognizing the pivotal role of SMEs, has enacted policies with the intent to nurture and grow this sector. The Revised National Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Policy aims to address challenges and promote sustainable growth. However, the implementation of these policies often falls short, leaving many entrepreneurs grappling with the same hurdles that the policies were meant to eliminate.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) predominantly operate informally due to the allure of avoiding bureaucratic hurdles like taxes and compliance. Despite efforts to promote formality, this persists. Financial inclusion remains a challenge as SMEs struggle to access credit, insurance, and digital payment systems, hindering their growth. Additionally, inadequate financial record-keeping among businesses impairs decision-making and access to capital. Women-led SMEs encounter specific difficulties, with decreased liquidity and declining female employment rates during the pandemic.

Recent statistics paint a clear picture: while SMEs contribute to 70% of the GDP and 88% of employment, they still face significant challenges. Access to affordable finance remains a critical barrier, stifling the potential for growth and innovation. Infrastructure deficits in transport, agriculture, and energy sectors further hinder SMEs’ ability to diversify and industrialize.

The disconnect lies in the translation of policy into practice. Policies are often crafted in the corridors of power, far removed from the realities of the marketplaces and the rural entrepreneurs. The result is a set of guidelines that, while well-intentioned, fail to resonate with or even reach the very people they are meant to help.

For instance, a study by Dr Shem Sikombe on the public procurement legal regime, a policy designed to improve SME policy implementation, shows that monitoring and sanctions significantly influence compliance. Yet, familiarity with the policy and professionalism were not statistically significant. This indicates a gap in awareness and understanding of the policies among SMEs, which can lead to non-compliance and missed opportunities.

The call for practical reforms is loud and clear. It is not enough to draft policies; the government must ensure these policies are accessible, understandable, and actionable for SME owners. Capacity building is crucial. Entrepreneurs need training and support to navigate the complexities of compliance, financial management, and market access.

Moreover, recent reforms in Zambia’s SME policies highlight the need for an implementation plan that aligns business legislation and facilitates a conducive environment for SMEs. The Revised National Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Implementation Plan 2023 – 2027 acknowledges the critical role of MSMEs in poverty reduction and quality of life improvement. It seeks to enhance MSME participation and competitiveness in commerce, increasing production and productivity among MSMEs.

To bridge the gap between policy and practice, a multi-stakeholder approach is essential. The government must collaborate with SMEs, financial institutions, and development partners to create a coherent ecosystem that supports SME growth. This includes simplifying the regulatory environment, improving access to finance, and investing in infrastructure that enables SMEs to thrive.

Zambia’s SME policies underscore the urgency for alignment and action. The new SME policy is seen as a driving force to align all other policies and legislation aimed at creating a conducive business environment for the sub-sector. This alignment is critical for the policies to translate into tangible benefits for SMEs.

However, while Zambia has made strides in recognizing the importance of SMEs, there is a pressing need to ensure that policies do not get lost in translation. It is time for practical reforms that translate policy intent into on-ground impact, fostering an environment where SMEs can flourish, driving economic growth, and contributing to Zambia’s socio-economic transformation.


Lawrence Nacidze, Holder of a B.A in Economics with Business Administration from the University of Zambia. Passionate about research and data analysis, he co-founded the Blockchain and Web3 Community Network, leading media and engagements. A research fellow at Impact Citi Zambia, he applies Data-driven insights for social and economic development. His leadership in tech and research drives innovation in decentralized technologies.