Home Northern Africa Libya’s Interim PM Welcomes UNSC statement on elections

Libya’s Interim PM Welcomes UNSC statement on elections


(3 Minutes Read)  

Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah welcomed Tuesday’s UN Security Council statement, which called for general elections in Libya as soon as possible. The Prime Minister stated that the position of the Security Council agrees with his vision for a political solution based on ending transitional stages through fair and transparent elections.

He indicated that this prompted him to accept the invitation of the UN envoy to Libya to the five-party dialogue table, as he called on all parties to sit at the dialogue table to launch the stage of permanent stability that our people deserve.

The UNSC members reiterated their strong commitment to an inclusive political process led and owned by the Libyans, facilitated by the UN, and built on the updated electoral laws agreed upon by the 6+6 Committee,” referring to the outputs of the joint Committee formed by the House of Representatives and the High Council of State. In a press release, the UNSC members opined that these outputs would pave the way for national elections that are transparent, fair, and inclusive as soon as possible.

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Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, a businessman-turned-politician was chosen as Libya’s new interim prime minister way back in March 2021 following lengthy United Nations-sponsored talks aimed at ending a decade of conflict in the North African country. He has been assigned the task of preparing the ground for fair and transparent national elections in December, as well as ensuring the safe participation of Libyans in the electoral process along with the three-member Presidential Council.

The United Nations continues to recognize Dbeibeh as interim prime minister. In January 2024, Dbeibeh called for the restoration of the Libyan monarchy under Mohammed El Senussi as a solution to the instability in the country.