Home Southern Africa Lesotho’s Revenue Services Conducts Customer Satisfaction Survey

Lesotho’s Revenue Services Conducts Customer Satisfaction Survey

Lesotho’s Revenue Services Conducts Customer Satisfaction Survey

(3 Minutes Read)

The Revenue Services Lesotho (RSL) is conducting a customer satisfaction survey to evaluate the quality of services it provides to the public. The survey is in line with RSL’s commitment to continuous improvement and its strategic goal of becoming a data-driven organisation. It started on August 7 and will end on October 3.

According to a statement released by RSL, the survey will use the Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) methodology, ensuring a streamlined and efficient data collection process. To maintain objectivity and fairness, taxpayers will be selected on a random basis from all districts of Lesotho. This approach ensures comprehensive feedback from a diverse cross-section of Lesotho’s taxpayers, allowing RSL to gain meaningful insights into the customer experience, the statement also noted.

It added that the primary aim of the survey is to assess the current level of customer satisfaction with the services rendered by the organisation. Key areas of focus include general satisfaction, as well as customer perceptions of fraud and corruption within the system.

This survey also provides a valuable platform for our customers to voice their opinions and recommend ways in which RSL can improve service delivery. As part of our efforts to ensure the highest quality in the design and execution of the survey, RSL has partnered with the National University of Lesotho (NUL) department of economics.

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The results of the survey will guide future improvements and innovations within RSL, ensuring that it continue to meet the needs and expectations of its valued taxpayers.