- Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has signed an agreement with the government of Ethiopia to support sustainable peace in conflict affected areas in Ethiopia.
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has signed an agreement with the government of Ethiopia to support sustainable peace in conflict affected areas in Ethiopia. The 10 million USD project will focus on community-led solutions for inclusive socio-economic resilience. KOICA and the Ministry of Peace will jointly plan, coordinate and implement the Project.
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The agreement was signed by the Country Director of KOICA, Ethiopia Office Lee Byunghwa and Minister of Peace Benalf Andualem in Addis Ababa. Over a period of four years, beginning from 2022, the project aims to strengthen social cohesion and economic resilience for displaced communities. The other areas covered by the project support include area-based gender-response, community-based peace-building and recovery processes and better access to sustainable livelihoods. Ten woredas in Ethiopia, five woredas in Oromia Regional State (Moyale, Gursum, Chinaksen, Doba, Gumbi Bordede) and five woredas in Somali Regional states (Shinele, Warder-Robday, Goljano, Moyale, Miesso) will benefit from the project. Additionally, it will strive to boost the economic status of vulnerable members of the displaced communities by introducing on-farm and off-farm interventions and better access to finance.
KOICA has been supporting the development of Ethiopia for the last 27 years with particular focus on manufacturing, health, climate change and peace.