Home East Africa Kenya’s Airline Jambojet to Connect Mombasa and Zanzibar

Kenya’s Airline Jambojet to Connect Mombasa and Zanzibar

Kenya’s Airline Jambojet to Connect Mombasa and Zanzibar

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Commencing on July 1, 2024, the airline will operate four flights per week between the two destinations, with plans to increase frequency to daily flights in the subsequent months.

The Kenyan airliner, Jambojet, is poised to enhance the East African tourism experience with its new direct route from Mombasa to Zanzibar, slated to commence on July 1, 2024. According to Jambojet Chief Executive, Mr Karanja Ndegwa, tourists in Mombasa who may have previously hesitated to consider Zanzibar due to travel inconveniences now have a convenient option, potentially attracting a new segment of visitors to Tanzania.

Commencing on July 1, 2024, the airline will operate four flights per week between the two destinations, with plans to increase frequency to daily flights in the subsequent months. The airline, which started operations in 2014, has flown over 7.4 million people, with a significant portion being first-time flyers.

In Kenya, the airline has garnered an impressive 52 percent market share in the domestic aviation sector.

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Jambojet is a regional low-cost airline that operates flights to seven destinations from its primary hub at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

These destinations include Mombasa, Eldoret, Kisumu, Malindi, Ukunda (Diani), Lamu, and Goma in the Eastern DRC. The airline operates two routes from its secondary hub in Mombasa to Kisumu and Eldoret. The airline is recognized as the most reliable and punctual airline in Africa and the Middle East by winning the 2018 and 2019 De Havilland Canada Reliability Awards for outstanding performance in dispatch reliability on the Dash 8-400 series.

According to the Bank of Tanzania (BoT), Zanzibar’s economy grew by 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023 riding on the back of the service receipts originating from tourism activities. By March 2024, service receipts, in particular tourism, rose by 6.1 percent to USD 958.0 million following an increase in tourist arrivals.