- A Bill that was tabled in the Parliament to enhance the limits of tenders where Kenyan citizens are given exclusive preference that was rejected.
- The idea was to keep foreign contractors away from bidding for public tenders worth below Sh20 billion.
A Bill that was tabled in the Parliament to enhance the limits of tenders where Kenyan citizens are given exclusive preference that was rejected.The idea was to keep foreign contractors away from bidding for public tenders worth below Sh20 billion.
The National Assembly’s Committee on Finance rejected the Bill, saying that tenders worth Sh20 billion proposed in the Bill was beyond the capacity of most of the Kenyan-owned firms. The Treasury and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPAK) also did not support the proposed amendments to the Public Procurement and Disposal Act.
Currently,Kenyan citizens are given exclusive preference upto Sh500 million.
The Treasury CAS Nelson Gaichuhie said that bidders are required to source at least 40 percent of supplies from citizen contractors which is deemed as a fair deal. They also argued that limiting the participation of foreign bidders may hinder technological transfer and building local capacity.