Home East Africa Kenyan cabinet gives approval for GMO products

Kenyan cabinet gives approval for GMO products

  • In a major policy shift, Kenya’s Cabinet has given approval for genetically modified organisms (GMO). The cabinet meeting chaired by President William Ruto on October 3rd has approved the farming and importation of biotechnology crops

In a major policy shift, Kenya’s Cabinet has given approval for genetically modified organisms (GMO). The cabinet meeting chaired by President William Ruto on October 3rd has approved the farming and importation of biotechnology crops in a bid to ensure Kenya’s food security and control prices.

According to a statement from the cabinet, the adoption of GMO crops was taken after due consideration of various expert and technical reports including that of Kenya’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA), the World Health Organisation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, United States of America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

 Kenya becomes the second country in the continent after South Africa to allow biotechnology foods. Under a 2012 moratorium, Kenya had restricted the importation or open cultivation of GMO crops. Through the latest memo, the Cabinet vacated its earlier decision of November 8, 2012, prohibiting the open cultivation of GMO crops and the imports of GMO products.

The continuing severe drought in Kenya has exposed three million Kenyans to famine in 23 counties. The approval will put pressure on farmers to reduce prices or be forced out of the market. The approval is aimed at facilitating imports of GMO maize and helping in lowering the price of flour which has now hit a record price of Sh200 for a two-kilo packet, The new government also announced its intention to drop the subsidy scheme due to budget constraints. Scientists argue the GMO maize variety can yield double the farmer’s output as they are drought and pest-resistant.

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