Home East Africa Kenyan Airways pilots to strike work; may cause heavy losses to fledgling...

Kenyan Airways pilots to strike work; may cause heavy losses to fledgling airlines


Kenya Airways is likely to lose an estimated 300 million shillings (US$2.5 million) per day if pilots at Kenyan airways resort to strike  as announced by   KALPA, a union that represents more than 400 pilots at the carrier

Kenya Airways is likely to lose an estimated 300 million shillings (US$2.5 million) per day if pilots at Kenya airways resort to strike as announced by   KALPA, a union that represents more than 400 pilots at the carrier. It has issued a notice that is set to trigger a strike at midnight on Wednesday over a dispute involving pensions, accrued back salaries, and other complaints.

The Board of Kenyan Airways said that the planned strike would jeopardise the airline’s recovery from the pandemic and would be unjustified. KALPA, which has been ordered by a court not to proceed with the strike, declined to comment. Kenya Airways ferried an average of 8,000 passengers every day in the first half of this year.

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The union is demanding the airline restarts contributions to its staff pension fund. This facility was put on hold during the pandemic. They also demand payment of all back-dated salaries. Kenya Airways grounded its fleet and deferred pay for workers when the pandemic took hold. The board said it had been making progress in settling issues with pilots. According to the airlines, all workers are now getting full pay every month as also some extra cash towards gradually settling the deferred pay.

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