- With the impending expiry of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), that fast tracks trade negotiations with the Congress, set to expire on July 1, the negotiations for a free trade deal between Kenya and the United States is in the doldrums.
- TPA has been a key legislative tool for getting faster Congress approval.
- The expiry of TPA means that all deals would be subject to amendments by US legislators and would face difficulties getting ratified.
With the impending expiry of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), that fast tracks trade negotiations with the Congress, set to expire on July 1, the negotiations for a free trade deal between Kenya and the United States is in doldrums. TPA has been a key legislative tool for getting faster Congress approval. The expiry of TPA means that all deals would be subject to amendments by US legislators and would face difficulties getting ratified.
Under TPA, trade deals such as the US- Kenya negotiations are “fast-tracked” through the US Congress, with lawmakers unable to make substantial changes or amendments to the text of the deal. The US government had sought more time to scrutinize the pact that had been negotiated by former President, Donald Trump. There had been apprehensions about the fructification of the deal if the Democrats won the election.
Instead, the Biden administration’s trade agenda puts a priority on enforcing existing trade deals, strengthening America’s manufacturing supply chains, and encouraging domestic investment and innovation. Kenya has been pushing the deal with Washington before the expiry of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).