At the 31st Assembly of the International Maritime Organization(IMO) meeting in London, Kenya was re-elected to IMO Council under category C for the 2020-2021 biennium. Category (c) consists of 20 States not elected under categories (a) or (b). These countries are deemed to have special interests in maritime transport or navigation. Their election to the council is expected to ensure the representation of all major geographies of the world. Speaking about the re-election of Kenya to IMO, Principal Secretary (PS) State Department for Shipping and Maritime Nancy Karigithu said that the country is committed to the confidence bestowed on it by IMO members. She added that Kenya will devote time, efforts and resources in the development of the safety and security of shipping and the sustainable growth of the Maritime sector. As a member of the IMO Council, Kenya will be part of the Executive Organ of IMO and join hands with other elected member countries under the assembly, for supervising the work of the IMO across the globe. The other tasks will include coordination of the activities of the organs of the IMO, study the draft work programmes and budget estimates of the IMO and submit them to the Assembly etc.
Kenya has been part of the council since 2001. Its continuous presence has provided a solid voice at the IMO for Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes region consisting of Burundi, DRC Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, as well as the Horn of Africa Region and the island states of the Western Indian Ocean. Kenya is also expected to leverage blue economy by its presence, by closely working with other key stakeholders.The other ISCOS Member States like Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia rallied behind Kenya to ensure that the region is represented in the global maritime arena dominated by global giants.