Home East Africa JICA support to decongest Dar es Salaam

JICA support to decongest Dar es Salaam

  • The project “Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) for Dar es Salaam” to be jointly implemented aims at improving urban development particularly in the public transport infrastructures and services.

A cooperation agreement has been signed between Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) and the government of Tanzania to decongest Dar es Salaam. The project “Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) for Dar es Salaam” to be jointly implemented aims at improving urban development particularly in the public transport infrastructures and services. The project is part of the Transport Master Plan supported by Jica .

The Jica study team was in Tanzania in February 2022 to do the ground work in consultation with President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Dar Rapid Transit Agency (DART), and other stakeholders for the project.

 The strategy of the project is to promote Transport Oriented Development (TOD) pragmatic methodology in the urban planning of Dar es Salaam. To be implemented in 36 months from June 2022 to May 2025,the aim is to expand the capacity of relevant institutions to use the TOD method for urban planning and also improve mobility along the BRT lines. It also involves technical transfer and capacity building.

The expected outcomes of the Project include connectivity with other modes of transport through Feeder bus network information and better access to BRT stations safely.

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