Home Northern Africa Insurance Sector Picking up in Algeria

Insurance Sector Picking up in Algeria


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The new bill proposes, among other things, updating insurance legislation and promoting the sector’s governance by strengthening regulation and establishing a legal framework for Takaful activity.

The Algerian Government recently examined a draft bill governing the insurance business. The new bill proposes, among other things, updating insurance legislation and promoting the sector’s governance by strengthening regulation and establishing a legal framework for Takaful activity.

Algerian insurance market is picking up. Of late, the Government is giving a lot of importance to developing this sector to cover life and health risks.

The total gross written premiums (GWP) in the Algeria insurance market were estimated at DZD204.2 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to garner a CAGR of more than 6% during the projected period.

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Algerian insurance market: 2022’s turnover per class of business in thousands

Class of business 2022 turnover 2021 turnover 2021-2020 evolution (1) 2022 shares
Non-life insurance
Motor 65 763 553 477 443 62 181 000 445 838 5,76% 47,54%
Property damage (2) 60 070 188 436 110 60 366 000 432 824 -0,49% 43,43%
Marine 7 267 563 52 762 6 729 000 48 247 8,00% 5,26%
Agricultural risks 2 453 989 17 816 2 385 000 17 100 2,89% 1,77%
Other risks (3) 2 769 021 20 104 34 000 244 8044% 2%
Total non vie 138 324 314 1 004 235 131 695 000 944 253 5,03% 100%
Life insurance
Life-Death 6 746 000 48 976 6 206 000 44 497 8,70% 43,69%
Group benefits 6 006 000 43 603 3 781 000 27 110 58,85% 38,90%
Assistance 1 772 000 12 865 944 000 6 768 87,71% 11,48%
Accident 853 000 6 193 1 444 000 10 354 -40,93% 5,52%
Health 63 000 457 691 000 4 954 -90,88% 0,41%
Capitalization 12 000 86
Total life 15 440 000 112 094 13 078 000 93 769 18,06% 100%
Grand total 153 764 314 1 116 329 144 773 000 1 038 022 6,21% 100%

(1)    Growth rate in local currency
(2) including fire, natural disasters and other property damage
(3) including civil liability, credit and various financial losses
Exchange rate as at 31/12/2021 : 1 DZD = 0.00717 USD
Exchange rate as at 31/12/2022 : 1 DZD = 0.00726 USD

Insurance companies in Algeria: 2022 ranking in thousands

Rank Companies Turnover 2022 Turnover 2021 2021-2022 evolution (1) 2022 shares
Non life insurance
1 SAA 29 168 055 211 760 28 800 000 206 496 1.28% 21.09%
2 CAAT 26 716 200 193 960 25 404 000 182 147 5.17% 19.31%
3 CASH Assurances 18 795 818 136 458 16 097 000 115 415 16.77% 13.59%
4 CAAR 16 496 496 119 765 16 257 000 116 563 1.47% 11.93%
5 CNMA 13 284 618 96 446 12 643 000 90 650 5.07% 9.60%
6 CIAR 8 856 773 64 300 8 652 000 62 035 2.37% 6.40%
7 Trust Algérie 6 598 511 47 905 6 060 000 43 450 8.89% 4.77%
8 Alliance Assurances 5 448 054 39 553 4 823 000 34 581