Home East Africa Indian Doctor successfully conducts first ever bone marrow transplant in Kenya

Indian Doctor successfully conducts first ever bone marrow transplant in Kenya

  • The first ever bone marrow transplant in Kenya was conducted at the Nairobi West hospital on a female patient ailing from a type of blood cancer. A team of doctors, led by Dr. Guarav Dixit, the Indian doctor who is a specialist in bone marrow transplant and blood cancers successfully transplanted bone marrow to the patient suffering from multiple myeloma.

The first-ever bone marrow transplant in Kenya was conducted at the Nairobi West hospital on a female patient ailing from a type of blood cancer. A team of doctors, led by Dr. Guarav Dixit, the Indian doctor who is a specialist in bone marrow transplant and blood cancers successfully transplanted bone marrow to a patient suffering from multiple myeloma.

Addressing the media, the Chief Medical Director of the hospital described the procedure as a major milestone in the medical history of this country as patients with such critical health issues had to travel abroad for highly specialized treatment.

He also announced that the hospital will collaborate with other institutions to impart training by their transplant specialists to provide easy access to bone marrow transplants in the country and also become the leading Bone Marrow Transplant unit in East Africa, as well as across Africa. The cost of the treatment, he said will be between 25,000 and 35,000 dollars, which will be far lower than traveling abroad for the treatment.

Dr. Dixit, a doctor at the New Delhi cancer centre in India, explained that Bone Marrow Treatment is in some cases, offers the only hope of cure in treating blood cancers like Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL).

According to the statistics from the National Cancer Institute of Kenya, cancer is the 3rd leading cause of death after infectious and cardiovascular diseases in Kenya.

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