Home OP-ED India has huge opportunities in the defense cooperation with African countries

India has huge opportunities in the defense cooperation with African countries


Defense cooperation with African countries is more relevant and important than ever before as vulnerable and weak nations are under the threat of direct and indirect subjugation by some of the economic powers. India has gained substantial strength in its arms and defense production ever since the privatization of defense production started. It has gradually evolved its capacity to supply defense requirements for global needs. In a significant development, the government of India last week released the third list of over 101 military systems and weapons that will come under an import ban over the next five years and be developed indigenously, in a fresh impetus to the Indian armament industry. This is going to have a critical impact on India’s export capabilities of defence items.

The government’s decision is to rescind a section of the Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies (SCOMET) list that will allow easier exports. Moreover, the opening of an online portal for receiving and processing export authorization permission, allowing the legitimate export of parts and components of small arms and body armour for civil use after prior consultation with the foreign ministry, and delegating powers to defence public sector units to explore opportunities for export and participation in global tenders would certainly help several firms to open their export opportunities abroad.

African countries which are economically stronger have increased their defence spending in the last couple of years. For example, South Africa has increased its defence budget for 2022/23 from the previous budgeted allocation of ZAR 48.79 billion to ZAR49.09 billion. Similarly, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya are the biggest spenders on the defence industry in Africa, according to World Bank data. Estimates show that the overall military spending of North Africa in 2020 was USD 24.7 billion and sub-Saharan Africa was USD 18.5 billion.

Though the defence expenditure in Africa is much lower than the world average, it is observed that during the last 30 years, the share of Africa in the world military expenditure has gone up from 2.3 percent to 4 percent. As of now, the per capita military expenditure in Africa is around one- sixth of the world average. While the per capita military expenditure in the world has gone up by 28.4 percent, in Africa it has grown three times faster and the trend is growing further.

At the Defexpo held in Lucknow in the year 2020, there was a large contingent of African defence and military officials. Over 154 delegates from Africa including Defence Ministers from 14 African countries, Member of Parliament as well as 19 Defence and Service Chiefs from 38 African countries participated in this Conclave attesting to the high priority accorded to India-Africa engagement in defence and security. India has defence partnerships with Zambia, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, Botswana, Uganda, Namibia and Mozambique and there are concerted efforts to increase the co-operation between India and Africa. In the emerging global economic order, the conflict zones have to redefine their defence strategies, and this is certainly going to help the Indian defence sector.

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