Home East Africa GSMA MWC Kigali 2024 to be Held in October

GSMA MWC Kigali 2024 to be Held in October

GSMA MWC Kigali 2024 to be Held in October

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MWC Kigali, Africa’s largest and most influential connectivity event, will bring together powerful innovators and political leaders from across the entire continent.  geared towards driving the digital economy forward and enabling socio-economic growth. To be held on 29-31 October 2024, it will have a range of keynotes and panel sessions hosted by industry thought leaders and leading enterprises. The event themes include Connected ContinentThe AI FutureFinTech, and Africa’s Digital DNA.

For the first time in Africa, the GSMA Ministerial Programme will be hosted at MWC Kigali, marking a new chapter in the commitment to advancing the digital agenda in Africa. The programme will convene the most influential telecommunications leaders from across the African continent to discuss policy and regulatory topics key to the region.

The Mobile for Development (M4D) team will once again play a central role at the event, driving innovation in digital technology to reduce global inequalities. M4D will host the ‘Mobile for Development Theatre’, a dedicated space for keynote sessions, panels, and discussions. Themes will range from AI for impact and humanitarian innovation, agriculture, and climate, to digital inclusion and gender. Also returning this year is the Mobile Money Leadership Forum, which will explore key trends and innovations in mobile financial services.

The MWC Kigali keynotes will cover some of Africa’s most pressing digital connectivity issues.  Keynote 1 will discuss how digital technologies are driving socio-economic development in Africa to address the continent’s unique challenges. Keynote 2  will focus on the transformative potential of AI, including how it can drive sustainable and inclusive growth across Africa. Keynote 3 will see speakers explore the rapid evolution of Africa’s Fintech landscape and the technologies impacting investment opportunities. Keynote 4 will explore how the evolving content landscape is allowing African content creators to be heard and celebrated globally.

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MWC Kigali is held alongside the Africa Health Tech Summit and FEWA (Future of Education and Work in Africa), offering an in-depth exploration of connectivity challenges and opportunities in the health and education sectors. It has the support of a stellar lineup of sponsors, exhibitors, and event partners, including Africa CDC, Africa Union, Huawei, inABLE, MTN, the Republic of Rwanda, Smart Africa, and ZTE.