Home Regions Ghana goes to poll tomorrow: election campaign ends peacefully

Ghana goes to poll tomorrow: election campaign ends peacefully


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·        The election campaign in Ghana has come to a peaceful end in line with the signed peace pact between Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo seeking to be re-elected and his longtime opposition rival and predecessor John Mahama. Ghana will go to polls on Monday 7th December

·        More than 17 million Ghanaians are registered to vote. Ghana is hailed for conducting its elections peacefully and for its pluralistic party system. Elections are held in the recent years in a peaceful manner


The election campaign in Ghana has come to a peaceful end in line with the signed peace pact between Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo seeking to be re-elected and his longtime opposition rival and predecessor John Mahama. Ghana will go to polls on Monday 7th December

No rallies were allowed and the media including social media were used by political parties to the hilt to reach out to the voters due to the unprecedented situation marked by Covid-19 pandemic.

More than 17 million Ghanaians are registered to vote. Ghana is hailed for conducting its elections peacefully and for its pluralistic party system. Elections are held in recent years in a peaceful manner. Analysts opine that the election will be free and fair going by the past trends. Equally significant will be that it would be keenly fought and no one can make a wild guess about the winning candidates, though some commentators are giving thumbs up to the present incumbent.  

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