President Hage Geingob expressed his concerns over inflated tenders, despite the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) being in place, the government continues to pay highly inflated prices for goods and services.
President Hage Geingob expressed his concerns over inflated tenders, despite the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) being in place, the government continues to pay highly inflated prices for goods and services.
President stated that he is deeply disturbed by allegations that the CPBN in some cases has made awards to bidders other than those with the lowest substantially qualifying bids as required under section 55(1) of the Public Procurement Act, thereby putting the government at risk of paying in excess of what it ought to pay. The CPBN remains under a legal obligation to award bids to the bidder with the lowest evaluated substantially responsive bid which meets the qualification criteria.
The CPBN is the body that has a direct responsibility to ensure that the objects of the Public Procurement Act, including value for money and the fact that the lowest substantially responsive bid must be selected, are not subverted through corruption, unfair preference of some bids over the others, and other irregularities.
The Public Procurement Act was supposed to ameliorate inflated tenders and protect the procurement process from abuse. The primary object of this law is, amongst others, to promote integrity, accountability, transparency, competitive supply, and legality, he further said. One of the significant reform principles introduced by the Public Procurement Act is its application to both the central government and all agencies of government, including public enterprises.
The President, without seeking to inappropriately interfere with the statutory process, calls on public functionaries in government Ministries, public enterprises, and the CPBN to ensure that the Public Procurement Act, its Regulations, and Codes of Good Practice are applied strictly and that all instances of irregularity, corruption, and non-compliance with the law are, with immediate effect and without fear or favour, investigated and addressed in a fair and transparent manner. The
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The President, therefore, believes that the recent reformation of the public procurement system through the introduction of the Public Procurement Act, as amended, provides an effective legal framework to promote good governance, provided that those given responsibilities at CPBN carry out their work effectively, fairly, and diligently.”
The President’s statement comes amid an outcry over the procurement process of medical supplies for the Ministry of Health and Social Services.