Home Pan Africa G7 Summit Discussed Investments in Infra Projects in Africa

G7 Summit Discussed Investments in Infra Projects in Africa

G7 Summit Discussed Investments in Infra Projects in Africa

(3 minutes Read)

Projects include a rail corridor that will connect southern and central Africa. The project will also bring telecommunication cables and other infrastructure to the region. The infrastructure investments are meant to serve as an alternative to China’s development efforts, which the U.S. and its allies seek to contain.

The G7 summit opened Thursday (Jun. 13) in Italy, set apart a session focused on investments and infrastructure projects in Africa. The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) program was high on the agenda.

Projects include a rail corridor that will connect southern and central Africa. The project will also bring telecommunication cables and other infrastructure to the region. The infrastructure investments are meant to serve as an alternative to China’s development efforts, which the U.S. and its allies seek to contain.

Canada, Germany, and the EU, as well as representatives from Italian and American private companies such as ENI and Microsoft, are participating in the investment program.

The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyenhailed the session as an effort to evolve a different program. She said that  PGI (Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment) was sustainable and good for the planet. However, she highlighted the need to make programs sustainable by mobilizing adequate finances.

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The G7 summit is hosted by Italy which holds the rotating presidency. One of its priorities is developing ties with Africa where other powers have long been present. African leaders including the president of Algeria and South Africa have been invited to the summit.