(3 minutes read)
· The first meeting of the Uganda-Europe Business Forum took
place recently, which was a joint effort between the European Union
– Government of Uganda.
· Inaugurating the event, Ugandan President Yoweri K Museveni
underscored the need for EU cooperation in sectors like agriculture,
energy, ICT/digital economy, tourism, transport and finance and
The first meeting of the Uganda-Europe Business Forum took place
recently, which was a joint effort between the European Union –
Government of Uganda. The meeting had good participation from
representatives of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives – and
the Private Sector represented by the Private Sector Foundation,
Uganda. The focus of the meeting was Investments and Jobs creation in
Inaugurating the event, Ugandan President Yoweri K Museveni
underscored the need for EU cooperation in sectors like agriculture,
energy, ICT/digital economy, tourism, transport and finance and
banking. He laid focus on EU participation in sectors like road
construction, railways, particularly conversion of meter gauge into
standard gauge, setting up industrial parks, hydroelectric power
generation etc.
Between 2010 and 2018, the president said Uganda alone accounted for
13% of total foreign direct investment inflows into the eleven Eastern
Africa countries. Merchandise exports have been growing at an annual
average of 8.7% over the last five years. This platform will bring
together players from the Government of Uganda, the European Union and
the Ugandan Private Sector to regularly discuss aspects related to
further improving the investment and trade/business climate. President
assured the government support to this platform by involving senior
government functionaries and others from the private sector for taking
quick decisions and follow-up actions.