Home East Africa Final report of Boeing crash near Bole International Airport released

Final report of Boeing crash near Bole International Airport released


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Ethiopian state officials, who released the final report of the crash of the Boeing aircraft owned by its official airline-Ethiopia- said that the 737-MAX 8 aircraft crashed on account of mechanical failure, pointing an accusing finger at the US-based world’s largest aircraft manufacturer.

Ethiopian state officials, who released the final report of the crash of the Boeing aircraft owned by its official airline-Ethiopia- said that the 737-MAX 8 aircraft crashed on account of mechanical failure, pointing an accusing finger at the US-based world’s largest aircraft manufacturer. The report was released recently

The incident happened in March 2019.  Ethiopia’s ET 302 Boeing 737-8 Max aircraft crashed six minutes after take-off, killing all 157 people including the crew on board from 35 different countries. This sent shock waves worldwide, leading to the recall and grounding of all aircraft of the same configuration.

The committee of investigators headed by Amdeye Ayalew blamed Boeing for its failure to “disclose early and attentively” issues with the 737-MAX 8’s Manoeuvring Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). The aircraft crashed a few minutes after the take-off from Ethiopia’s largest airport – Addis Ababa’s Bole International Airport -and was bound for the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.

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The cause of the crash, the investigators revealed.  was the erroneous data generated because of the failure of sensors. The reason initially adduced by Boeing was the inexperience of the pilots who managed the aircraft. As against this, the inquiry committee found that all professionals and planes related to the crash were correctly certified.

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