The Expat Essentials Index by InterNations has ranked Kenya as the best country in Africa to get started and settle down.
The ranking of the best and worst places for professionals is based on specific criteria that include housing, language, digital life, and local administration.
The Expat Essentials Index by InterNations has ranked Kenya as the best country in Africa to get started and settle down. The ranking of the best and worst places for professionals is based on specific criteria that include housing, language, digital life, and local administration.
Kenya is ranked the best on favorable factors such as language, easy availability of houses, and cost of homes. These advantages have made Kenya an attractive destination for companies to start business and expand their footprint to rest of Africa. According to The Expat Essentials Index, Kenya was ranked ninth globally, while South Africa came 28th and Egypt, 37th.
Kenyan government’s efforts for infrastructure development have witnessed the rising development of residential units for high-net-worth individuals, strengthening its position as a hub for the East Africa region and investment destination for multinationals. The survey pointed out that the use of English language as one of the country’s two official languages as well as widely used in business, education, and government offices, has been found advantageous. As for the ready availability of housing, Kenya ranked 9th out of 52 countries surveyed. Almost 43 percent viewed the available housing as affordable. The most popular high-end neighborhoods were Kilimani, Ridgeways, Westlands, and Lavington while Professionals working for international organizations such as the United Nations preferred upmarket areas such as Muthaiga, Runda, Riverside, Rosslyn and Karen.
A recent report by property firm Knight Frank also rated Kenya as one of the global top real-estate investment hubs after France, Spain, Italy, and the UK. The country is also the second most popular destination for Africa’s super-wealthy individuals seeking second homes. Prime properties in Kenya are bought by Foreigners too.
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