Home Pan Africa Europe-Africa Forum 2nd Edition: New ambitions, new resources, and new technologies

Europe-Africa Forum 2nd Edition: New ambitions, new resources, and new technologies


(3 minutes read)


The second edition of Europe-Africa Forum opens on 15 May 2023 in Marseille, France. The forum will rethink economic, cultural and energy cooperation between Europe and Africa through the prism of innovation and the capitalisation of human resources. The theme is set as “New ambitions, new resources and new technologies” and thousand plus participants are expected to participate in the event.

The second edition of the Europe-Africa Forum opens on 15 May 2023 in Marseille, France. The forum will rethink economic, cultural, and energy cooperation between Europe and Africa through the prism of innovation and the capitalisation of human resources. The theme is set as “New ambitions, new resources and new technologies” and thousand plus participants are expected to participate in the event.

Cooperation between Europe and Africa aims to create an area of solidarity, security, peace, and sustainable prosperity. It also aims to bring the citizens of the two metropolises closer together through joint projects carried out by public authorities and businesses. The terms of this cooperation are set out in various frameworks, in particular the Cotonou Agreement signed in 2000 and the Joint Africa-EU Strategy. Deliberations are also on regional strategies for the Horn of Africa, the Gulf of Guinea, and the Sahel, given that the African continent, with its dynamic demographics, the vitality of its economic and cultural players, and its natural resources of energy and raw materials, is undoubtedly at the heart of global transitions.

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