Home East Africa Ethiopia –News in brief

Ethiopia –News in brief


( 4 minutes read)

· Ethiopia’s Amhara regional state has operationalized a bag and carpet factory, which entailed a cost close to US$2.8 million (100 million birr). This was built by Admas Farmers’ Cooperatives Union. The factory is located in the town of Injibara, in the Awi administrative zone. Presently, the factory has employed 200 people and has the potential of creating 700 jobs total when it goes fully operational.

· Fuel retail prices will remain unchanged in Ethiopia for the month of August 2020. This was announced by the Ethiopian Ministry of Trade and Industry. However, jet fuel will be raised to 26.50 birr per liter for the month.

· Ethiopia received 100,000 COVID-19 diagnostic testing kits yesterday, PM Abiy Ahmed said. . As of today, Ethiopia has 22, 253 confirmed coronavirus cases, 390 deaths, and 9,707 recoveries.

· The Ethiopian government has suspended the entry of foreign telecom infrastructure companies into the country, slowing down the enthusiasm that arose after authorities announced plans to liberalize the market recently. The decision, however, may not affect foreign telecom service providers and operators such as Kenya’s Safaricom and its parent company Vodacom, who had submitted expressions of interest in buying a stake in Ethio Telecom.

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