Home East Africa Ethiopia and South Korea vow to strengthen economic partnership

Ethiopia and South Korea vow to strengthen economic partnership


(3 minutes read)

Ethiopian Embassy in South Korea and the Korea-Ethiopian Trade Association organized a conference on investment and trade in Busan, South Korea recently for strengthening the investment relationship between the two countries and strengthening trade ties

Ethiopian Embassy in South Korea and the Korea-Ethiopian Trade Association organized a conference on investment and trade in Busan, South Korea recently for strengthening the investment relationship between the two countries and strengthening trade ties.

The conference saw the attendance of Dessie Dalke, Ethiopian Ambassador to South Korea, and Daniel Theresa, Deputy Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission. Ambassador Dessie noted that the strong historical relationship between the two countries should grow to an increased investment exchange.

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Daniel Teressa stated that Ethiopia was ready to support investors who want to invest in Ethiopia and explained various incentives being given by the government in promoting investments in the country.

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