(2 minutes read)
· The ENL group, a business conglomerate based in Mauritius
delivered 500 visors, gloves and 100 liters of hand sanitizer to
medical personnel
· A special order was placed by the Association of Mauritian
Manufacturers for their member companies to provide healthcare
products, which can be handed over to healthcare workers
The ENL group, a business conglomerate based in Mauritius delivered
500 visors, gloves and 100 liters of hand sanitizer to medical
personnel. These products are made by Helios brand (visors) and
Plastinax Eyewear (eyewear)a subsidiary of ENL. These products have
been approved by the Ministry of Health, Mauritius as a useful tool
to protect against coronavirus. It can be used by nursing staff to
protect their eyes, nose and mouth during their service time. Used
with the usual masks, these visors constitute an even more effective
The ENL group is producing protective visors against the
coronavirus. A special order was placed by the Association of
Mauritian Manufacturers for their member companies to provide
healthcare products, which can be handed over to healthcare workers.
The visors prevent transmission by droplets of the virus by protecting
sensitive areas, such as the nose, mouth and eyes. Visors also
protect people from touching their faces and can be worn without a
mask. They can be disinfected, cleaned and used repeatedly.