Home Northern Africa Egypt’s production index of transformative industries looks up

Egypt’s production index of transformative industries looks up


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  • The production index for transformative and extractive industries of Egypt , excluding crude oil and petroleum products, rose 2.2 %, recording 116.05 (primary) in September 2021 compared to 113.56 (final) in August. 2021
  • This was revealed by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of Egypt

The production index for transformative and extractive industries of Egypt , excluding crude oil and petroleum products, rose 2.2 %, recording 116.05 (primary) in September 2021 compared to 113.56 (final) in August. 2021. This was revealed by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of Egypt.

Egypt’s statistics body said the index of the food products industry reached 144.33 in September 2021 compared to 138.05 in August, recording a 4.55% hike, due to a high market demand. The other segments reported increase include
the pharmaceutical and chemical industries that reached 129.04 in September 2021 compared to 121.72 in August, recording a 6.01% hike. This was due to a high demand prompted by need for medicines, detergents and disinfectants amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The index of the beverage industries hit 365.42 in September 2021, compared to 389.93 in August, recording a 6.2% decrease. The electronic products’ industrial index recorded 98.25 in September, 2021 compared to 121.89 in August, with a 19.39% decrease. This was  due to a decline in demand.

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