(3 minutes read)
· The Information and Decision Support Center of the Egyptian Council of Ministers has published an infographic to coincide with the celebration of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021
· The theme of this year’s celebration is “Accelerating digital transformation in difficult times.”
The Information and Decision Support Center of the Egyptian Council of Ministers has published an infographic to coincide with the celebration of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Accelerating digital transformation in difficult times.”
Egypt has made great strides in the telecom sector and has occupied an important position among the Arab countries. It is also among the 10 fastest growing countries for digital inclusion in 2020. The north African country has introduced the digital transformation system in Port Said Governorate, launched 60 services on the Egypt digital platform, developed 1600 post offices, and a lot many things.
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the urgent need to accelerate digital transformation around the world. Modern technology has shown tremendous capabilities and advantages in running various aspects of life under the procedures of general closure. Egypt has been drafting these technologies to emerge as a major telecom country in the continent.