Home Northern Africa Egypt achieves quantum leap in sugar production

Egypt achieves quantum leap in sugar production


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·        Egypt has achieved a quantum leap in sugar production, Chairman of the Delta Sugar Company Ahmed Abu Al-Yazid said

·        Egypt’s current sugar production amounts to 2.7 million tons and suffices 90 percent of the country’s need

·         The North African country is expected to achieve self-sufficiency within 3 years in light of  setting up of more  sugar factories

Egypt has achieved a quantum leap in sugar production, Chairman of the Delta Sugar Company Ahmed Abu Al-Yazid said. Egypt’s current sugar production amounts to 2.7 million tons and suffices 90 percent of the country’s need. The North African country is expected to achieve self-sufficiency within 3 years in light of  setting up of more  sugar factories.  Delta has interests in agricultural feed and fertilizers.

Recently, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, Ali al-Moselhy had a meeting with sugar production companies and reviewed the areas planted with sugar.

The cultivated areas for the current season of cane amounted to about 332,000 feddans  and the Sugar and Integrated Industries Company is expected to produce about one million tons of white sugar.  The estimate is that 1.7 million tons of sugar beet will be produced this season.

Minister of Industry and Trade Nevine Gamea issued a decree suspending white sugar imports for another three months from September 2020. However, it exempted quantities that  were imported for drug manufacturing and that are approved by the Ministry of Health and Population.  The decision is aimed at protecting the national industry given sugar prices have declined globally after oil prices had been sent to dive. Local producers are expected to sell their stocks standing at 1.4 million over more than six months.

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