Home East Africa EAC Launches Peace Negotiations with DRC rebels

EAC Launches Peace Negotiations with DRC rebels

  • Last week, representatives of some 23 of the eastern DRC’s main rebel groups met for negotiations to discuss the terms and conditions of their laying down of arms in Nairobi.

Soon after admitting the Democratic Republic of the Congo, into the EAC fold, the EAC has launched peace negotiations with DRC rebels. At a recent EAC summit the presidents of Kenya, the DRC, Burundi and Uganda, and Rwanda’s foreign minister, had decided to form an EAC intervention force.

 Last week, representatives of some 23 of the eastern DRC’s main rebel groups met for negotiations to discuss the terms and conditions of their laying down of arms in Nairobi. EAC issued a stern warning to foreign rebel groups to go home or face elimination. According to local media, the invitation was extended only to local DRC groups. The peace talks, led by Kenya, threatened to use force against those who didn’t surrender.

It was reported that the first round of talks last week ended with some of the groups willing to stop fighting. There were also reports that the rebels are seeking amnesty, the release of political prisoners and greater participation in socio-economic life in the eastern DRC.

 A second meeting is expected later this month.

Read Also; https://trendsnafrica.com/drc-officially-joins-eac/


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