Home East Africa Dubai beckons African business to use the Gulf State as a hub

Dubai beckons African business to use the Gulf State as a hub


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· The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry kicked off a webinar series providing African business leaders useful information
about doing business in Dubai, so as to promote Dubai as an ideal hub for African companies.

· A survey conducted during the first webinar found that 72 percent of people participants were keen on investing in Dubai, while
41 percent stated they were looking to set up a business in the emirate within the next three

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry kicked off a webinar series providing African business leaders useful information about
doing business in Dubai, so as to promote Dubai as an ideal hub for African companies. The webinar was attended by 175 participants from several African countries, including Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique and Kenya.

The first webinar of its kind felt that the current timing is ideal for investing and setting up a business in Dubai. It highlighted the advantages and offerings of various free zones throughout the Emirate. Participants gained an insight into Dubai’s key economic sectors and
business landscape, how to open a bank account, to residency visas, business licenses and freelancing.

A survey conducted during the first webinar found that 72 percent of people participants were keen on investing in Dubai, while 41 percent stated they were looking to set up a business in the emirate within the next three months.

Highlights of the webinar included speeches from Omar Khan, Director of International Offices at Dubai Chamber; Marianna Bulbuc – CEO and Founder of Bizzmosis; Zemedeneh Negatu – Global Chairman Fairfax Africa Fund and Norvan Acquah – Hayford – Public Relations Manager at Ghana Link Network Services. Dubai Chamber has offices in Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia and Mozambique.

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