As part of its online investment and trade promotion strategy in the current COVID 19 context, the Economic Development Board of Mauritius (EDB) is organizing a virtual trade promotion event as from 12 – 26 November 2020. This high profile event will showcase high value-added products manufactured in Mauritius such as soaps and other detergents, chemicals, fertilizers, cosmetics and perfumes, plastic products, iron and steel and related products, aluminium and related products, medical devices, optical products, electrical appliances and other machineries and equipment, furniture, printing and packaging products, Jewelleries, clocks and watches, amongst others. The virtual platform will stay live for a period of 2 weeks and will provide the opportunity for buyers, suppliers, agents, distributors to connect and hold online B2B meetings with the Mauritian manufacturers.
Interested buyers may register by accessing the following link at latest on 12 November 2020
For any further information, kindly contact Mrs Nirmala Jeetah on [email protected] or Mr. Ram Jutliah at [email protected]