Home Central Africa Demonstrations in Chad for Withdrawal of French Troops

Demonstrations in Chad for Withdrawal of French Troops

Demonstrations in Chad for Withdrawal of French Troops

(3 Minutes Read)

Last week, Chad announced that it was ending a defense cooperation agreement with France to redefine its strategic partnerships based on national priorities. France has maintained about 1,000 troops in Chad, and the statement did not specify when they would leave.

France seems to be at the receiving end regarding the deployment of troops in African countries. The Central African country, Chad, a former French colony is the latest in the bloc to demand the withdrawal of the French troops stationed there for a long ostensibly to protect the country from Islamist terrorists, but critics allege that it was to protect its investments in several African countries, particularly in the Sahel region.

A group of people numbering over several hundred demonstrated in Chad on Friday to demand the withdrawal of French troops from the country. Recently, Chad terminated a military agreement with its former colonizer.

Last week, Chad announced that it was ending a defense cooperation agreement with France to redefine its strategic partnerships based on national priorities. France has maintained about 1,000 troops in Chad, and the statement did not specify when they would leave.

Some protesters went to a military airbase where French soldiers are stationed on Friday and demanded their departure. Others gathered in front of the French embassy, where they faced a heavy security cordon from the Chadian army protecting the embassy.

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Chad was one of the last countries in the region where France maintained a significant military presence, having been ousted in recent years