Home East Africa Dar es Salaam Fair Clocks Sale of TZS 3.6bn

Dar es Salaam Fair Clocks Sale of TZS 3.6bn


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The preliminary assessment of the Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TanTrade) shows that total sales of 3.6bn/- were registered at the recently held 48th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF). The target goal is to make at least 4bn/- sales during the 16 days of the exhibitions.

This initial assessment covered only 14 days out of 16 days of the trade fair. Generally, the 48th DITF is a success story, stated Tantrade Director General Latifa Khamis. The 47th DITF registered total sales of 3.8bn/- where 3,500 companies including 268 from abroad took part in the exhibitions. The assessment was conducted in collaboration with the National Bureau of Standards (NBS).

The 48th DITF edition created a number of market opportunities including 73.3 per cent domestic, 2.4 per cent foreign and 24.3 per cent both domestic and foreign markets. Until July 11th this year, the total number of registered participants was 3,886 compared to 3,500 for the 47th DITF exhibition. The total number of participants, 3,435 were from within and 451 participants from outside the country. Furthermore, she said a total of 3,286 of the total number of participants were from the private sector and 217 from the public sector and the fair marked a footfall of 327,456.

Further total of 28 foreign countries participated in the 48th DITF exhibition namely China, Turkey, India, Singapore, Syria, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Japan, Mozambique, Indonesia, and Mauritius. Others are Oman, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Rwanda, Comoro, Zambia, Ethiopia, DRC, Ghana, Korea, Russia, Italy, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Switzerland, and Burundi.

The Tantrade has been helping local producers to capitalise on the opportunities of the new African Continent Free Trade Area (AfCTA), East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) markets and other regional and international markets by producing quality products. Its implementation has been done by TanTrade in collaboration with regulatory authorities such as TBS, WMA, GS1, SIDO and by conducting training on the quality of products needed to increase the competitiveness of their products to enter the international market.

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Tantrade has succeeded in obtaining the Algerian Coffee market under the AfCFTA, as well as traders obtaining more markets for products produced in the country, especially in the EAC and SADC regions. Business people have been able to use various opportunities to access markets including participating in exhibitions, conferences, dialogues, and B2B held locally and abroad, stated Khamis.