Home East Africa Confident Abiy Ahmed with latest successes to address Ethiopian Parliament

Confident Abiy Ahmed with latest successes to address Ethiopian Parliament


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  • Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is set to address the country’s federal parliament
  • He is expected to address the highest legislative body  on the conflict between government forces and Tigrayan rebels in the North
  •  Choosing the time to address the Parliament also coincides with the inauguration of first turbine at the Renaissance Dam
  •  Ever since he won the election, Abiy has not addressed the Parliament. He assumed the second term in office in June 2021

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is set to address the country’s federal parliament. He is expected to address the highest legislative body  on the conflict between government forces and Tigrayan rebels in the North. Choosing the time to address the Parliament also coincides with the inauguration of the first turbine at the Renaissance Dam. Ever since he won the election, Abiy  has not addressed the Parliament. He assumed the second term in office in June 2021. The fight with rebels loyal to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has been going on since November 2020 and was engrossing his attention.

Only the other day www.trendsnafrica.com has reported about a dispute between Sudan on border issue and row between Egypt regarding the Great Renaissance dam built across Blue River Nile.

There are speculations as to what would be the subject and tenor of  Ahmed’s address to  Parliament and why he is choosing this time for that. Analysts say he turned the table in his favour in the Tigray issue with the support of countries like Turkey, which supported him with drones, which were deployed against advancing Tigray Liberation Army, inflicting heavy casualties among them.

To further up his credentials over Ethiopians and the international community, despite the stiff resistance from Egypt, Abiy announced the start of electricity generation from the controversial dam. It has led to angry outbursts  from both countries, which are sharply criticizing the dam-Egypt and Sudan.  They maintain  that decisions regarding the dam have been unilateral and are insisting on a legally-binding agreement to resolve a dispute with Ethiopia.

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