Home Pan Africa China provides zero duty market access to African countries

China provides zero duty market access to African countries


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China’s Ministry of Finance has announced the elimination of customs duties for 98% of products imported from 16 developing countries, including Mozambique, from the start of September

China’s Ministry of Finance has announced the elimination of customs duties for 98% of products imported from 16 developing countries, including Mozambique, from the start of September.


The countries covered are mainly located on the African continent. They include Togo, Eritrea, Central African Republic, Guinea-Conakry, Rwanda, Sudan, Chad, and Djibouti, where in 2017 China opened its first military base abroad. Some Asian countries are also on the list including Cambodia and Bangladesh, as well as Laos and Nepal, two countries with which China borders.

The ‘zero tariffs’ status will also cover Kiribati, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, three of the countries visited in May and June by the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, on a tour that also passed through Timor-Leste. The order, signed on 22 July, underlines that the ‘zero tariff’ statute covers 8,786 imported products.

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Effective on September 1, the policy will help share market opportunities with those countries, push for common development, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, the statement said. The treatment will gradually expand to all the least-developed countries having diplomatic relations with China, the statement said. Mozambique was elected in June as a non-permanent member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council for the biennium 2023-24, with the support of China, one of the permanent members of the body.

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