Home Northern Africa China Actively Involved Libyan Investment: Focus on Port Development

China Actively Involved Libyan Investment: Focus on Port Development

The Libyan Chinese Chamber for Economic Cooperation (LCCC) announced that, in cooperation with the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), it will be holding a meeting with Chinese companies. The expected attendees at the meeting will include the Chinese National Association of Consultants Engineers, major Chinese companies, and Libyan businessmen.

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A string of delegations and business consultations were held over the years to strategize investment plans

The Libyan Chinese Chamber for Economic Cooperation (LCCC) announced that, in cooperation with the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), it will be holding a meeting with Chinese companies. The expected attendees at the meeting will include the Chinese National Association of Consultants Engineers, major Chinese companies, and Libyan businessmen.

The meeting will be held next Tuesday, 27 August at the NESDB. It may be recalled that earlier the Mayor and members of the Zawiya Municipal Council received a Chinese delegation that included a group of companies specialized in the field of establishing seaports. The meeting, the municipality said, came as part of its endeavor to bring the best international companies to establish the Zawiya SeaPort with the best specifications.‎‎

During the meeting, the mayor stressed his Council’s keenness to complete this giant project due to its great importance from an economic point of view. A video on the idea of the port and its stages was presented to the Chinese delegation.

In turn, the Chinese delegation gave a presentation on the capabilities and projects of the participating companies, whose officials, Zawia Council reported, expressed their happiness and interest in investing in the Zawia Sea Port project. ‎

‎The mayor and the Council members accompanied the Chinese delegation on a tour of the city. This, Zawia council reported, was met with great welcome, and the Chinese delegation concluded its visit by affirming its gratitude and happiness with the visit.‎

In an earlier development, the Tripoli-based Libyan Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohamed Al-Hwej, held a meeting with the delegation of the Federation of Chinese Companies, which included the President of the Federation, the Executive Director, and several representatives of Chinese affiliated companies, in the presence of the Chairman of the Privatisation and Investment Board (PIB) and the Director General of the National Investment Company.‎

As reported by www.trendanafrica.com earlier ,the Economy Ministry reported that the attendees reviewed the promising Libyan investment opportunities in the fields of industry and agriculture. In addition, they discussed strategic projects to develop infrastructure in the ports, airports, hospitals, and renewable energy sectors, which, the Ministry said, are characterized by high investment returns and sustainable growth potential.‎

The Chinese delegation was also briefed on the Libyan investment law, the advantages and incentives granted to investors, and many services, such as the one-stop shop services provided by the PIB.‎ The Minister stressed that the investment sector is witnessing remarkable activity in various fields, and called on the delegation of Chinese companies to enter the Libyan market and start implementing investment projects under the supervision and follow-up of the PIB and relevant institutions.‎

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For its part, the Ministry reported, the Chinese delegation stressed the desire of companies and investors to enter the Libyan market and establish projects through the participation of the local private sector and targeting the African market.