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CEO of Zimbabwe’s ARDA, Wins ‘Africa Food Prize’ for Excellence in Agricultural Leadership

CEO of Zimbabwe’s ARDA, Wins ‘Africa Food Prize’ for Excellence in Agricultural Leadership

(3 Minutes Read)

CEO of the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA) of Zimbabwe, has won the 2024 Africa Food Prize, receiving a USD 100,000 award for his groundbreaking leadership and innovation in advancing food security through strategic irrigation initiatives, which is revolutionizing Zimbabwe’s food systems.

Mhiko’s visionary leadership at ARDA has been a driving force in overcoming some of Zimbabwe’s most pressing agricultural challenges, such as recurrent droughts, erratic rainfall, and widespread land degradation. His bold and innovative strategies have expanded the area under irrigation from 6,000 hectares in 2016 to a projected 15,000 hectares by 2025, positioning ARDA as a model of sustainability and profitability in African agriculture.

By upgrading irrigation infrastructure, integrating advanced technologies like drip irrigation and solar-powered systems, and diversifying crop production, Mhiko through ARDA has significantly improved water use efficiency, boosted crop yields, and strengthened resilience to climate change. These achievements have not only enhanced food security but also spurred economic development at a national level.

Under Mhiko’s vision, ARDA has also cultivated a culture of collaboration and innovation, engaging stakeholders and building partnerships with government bodies, private sector players, and international development organizations. His work illustrates a holistic and adaptive approach to irrigation that addresses technical, economic, and environmental aspects, setting a benchmark for agricultural transformation in Zimbabwe and beyond.

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The Africa Food Prize honours Africans who are spearheading transformative agricultural initiatives. It highlights bold initiatives and technical innovations that can be replicated across the continent to foster a new era of food security and economic opportunity. This year’s award not only celebrates individual excellence but also emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing the multifaceted challenges facing Africa’s food systems.