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East African Crude Oil Pipeline Dilemma-Choice between environmental conservation and economic development

In their quest for economic development, resource-rich but economically poor African countries face many dilemmas. Paramount among them is the conflict between environmental conservation...

Egypt and China sign deal to make electric cars

· Egypt’s state-owned El Nasr Automotive Manufacturing Company and Dongfeng Motor of China have entered into an agreement...

A handful of African countries move up in World Bank’s new classification

Amid the gloomy Pandemic mood, Africa was greeted by some good news.From July 1st, a handful of African states moved up the economic ladder...

Ethiopia -Eritrea Peace Treaty: What it Portends?

July 1-15, 2018 Africa let a collective sigh of relief when Ethiopia and Eritrea, finally signed a Peace treaty last week , signaling the end...

What holds out for Africa in 2023?

At the outset, may  I wish our esteemed readers a happy and prosperous New Year !!! While the year 2022 is merging with the past...

Is oil a sunset industry for Africa?

With a growing number of oil-dependent economies in the continent, the crash of oil prices in the midst of cataclysmic Covid-19 has vast repercussions...

Can Cannabis be the wonder crop to lift Africa from economic hardships?

The liberalized approach adopted by the West toward medicinal and recreational attributes of Cannabis is good news for most of the African countries. This ...

Desert locust swarms drain Africa’s food granary

Currently, Africa is waging a  two-front war-  against the COVID 19 and Locust attacks. The Locust infestation in Africa that started since June 2019,...

The derailed AfCTA- how far Is Africa committed to AfCTA?

There has been cynicism and doubt about Africa’s capacity to launch the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Africa’s own authentic strategy to embrace...

The shadow of US- China Trade war on Africa

April 01-15, 2018 The economic globalisation and trade liberalisation received a big blow last month,-with a trade battle cry between two economic giants-US...