Home Southern Africa Cannabis trade -Zimbabwe issues trade permits

Cannabis trade -Zimbabwe issues trade permits


·       The Government of Zimbabwe has issued three specialised trade permits authorising the Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) to legalise cannabis trade in Zimbabwe

·       The permits include a general cultivator’s permit, a research and breeding permit and an industrial hemp (cannabis) merchant’s permit.


The Government of Zimbabwe has issued three specialised trade permits authorising the Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) to legalise the cannabis trade in Zimbabwe. The permits include a general cultivator’s permit, a research and breeding permit and an industrial hemp (cannabis) merchant’s permit.

The general cultivator’s permit allows the permit holder to undertake, the cultivation of industrial hemp, processing hemp for marketing purposes, and selling of hemp produce. These activities should be undertaken in accordance with the permit regulations.

Under the research and breeding permit, the permit holder is entitled to undertake the procurement within Zimbabwe of hemp of specified cultivars and varieties that are not approved cultivars. It includes cultivation, for research purposes only, of new cultivars and varieties of hemp that are not approved cultivars.

An industrial hemp merchant’s permit shall enable the holder to supply industrial cannabis of industrial hemp and the procurement of industrial hemp within Zimbabwe.

Through the Statutory Instrument 218 of 2020 released on Sep 18, Agriculture Minister, Anxious Masuka announced that AMA can issue special licences. A notice published under Statutory Instrument 62 of 2018 (Dangerous Drugs – Production of Cannabis for Medicinal and Scientific Use Regulations) in April 18 had legalised the production of cannabis (mbanje or dagga) for medicinal or scientific purposes. According to reports, 37 local and private investors in Zimbabwe had shown interest in cannabis farming. Subsequently, a policy change was introduced by the cabinet enabling investors to hold 100% ownership of Medicinal Cannabis licenses to boost the competitiveness of the sector.

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