Home Northern Africa Cairo Chamber pitches for strong measures to encourage exports

Cairo Chamber pitches for strong measures to encourage exports


 (3 minutes read)

Head of the Customs Division at the Cairo Chamber of Commerce Ahmed Abdel Wahed proposed a strategy to increase Egypt’s exports. The strategy has two parts-  a short-term plan and a long-term one.

Head of the Customs Division at the Cairo Chamber of Commerce Ahmed Abdel Wahed proposed a strategy to increase Egypt’s exports. The strategy has two parts-  a short-term plan and a long-term one.

The short-term plan represents support for exporters, such as reducing the cost of energy consumption and exempting them from toll fees on highways as long as the exporter holds an export receipt. This, he said, would encourage exporters to reduce costs.  Calling attention to the government for facilitating transit trade, conference tourism, and other related sectors, Wahed proposed that such efforts would bring in more revenues to the government.

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The long-term plan includes the incorporation of export rules and procedures in education curricula, establishing a special ministry for export, and creating more facilities and incentives for exports. He also recommended that the cost of being registered as an exporter be reduced to EGP 1,000 to encourage young people to break into the export industry.

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